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brian and i will finally start our big trip after a few setbacks. we thought this was the easiest way to keep in touch especially for mom and dad.

Tuesday 13 April 2010


Left Capricorn Palms around 7.30am,very cloudy with rain which cooled things down quite nicely.Betty`s bites were much better.We passed through Glen Geddis,Marlborough,Clairview and lunched at Greenhill which was on the coast.Most of these places are quite remote and very few people about.By now the sun is shining and we carried on eventually arriving at Mackay.We found the tourist office which doubled up as a travel agent,we managed to book a two night cruise around the Whitsunday Islands leaving on Thursday afternoon and returning Saturday pm(get those sea sick tablets out bet) .The young lady who was brilliant then gave us information on Cairns but most importantly she gave us a couple of camp sites to look at in Mackay for this evening.The first one we were not too impressed with but the second one was a hit which was Andergrove park,beautiful park with landscaped gardens tropical palms and Lorikeets by the hundreds.Time to try out the laundry and we used up three machines between us. Betty had her nails done at the local shopping centre and Lynn found a chemist for some advice on her bug bites.Enjoyed a lamb curry with a glass of wine.Chat on the night was all about the cruise and who the other 4 people will be ,as the catamaran has eight guests and two crew.Just shopping for arm bands and a rubber ring for Betty oh and an underwater throwaway camera.Don`t know if we will be able to take the lap top on the boat but we hope so.goodnight from us all xx


Today we were hoping for an early start but had a problem as we couldn't`t get away until we were reimbursed for our site key. Our destination being Yapoon about 250 miles away. Finally leaving at 7.30am. Bacon and eggs on the way for lunch at Miriam Vale and it`s getting really warm now. Lynn and I shopped while Peter and Brian did the blog. Found a picture postcard site between Yapoon and Emu Park called Capricorn Palms 4 star and we were even asked if we liked morning or afternoon shade! we had a walk along the beach no big surf here and the sand is much darker. Notices warning of marine stingers and box jelly fish (so we decided to swim in the pool which seemed like a good idea). Wasn`t such a good idea as we all got bitten buy the bugs, mosquito's i`d imagine. My bites were the worst! now I know every one thinks theres are the worst but mine came up into blisters and the ones on my hands and eyelids were swollen. Not a pretty sight so I`m glad theres no camera today. The one we were using has broken so the back-up is on charge. Dinner was a cooked chicken,very tasty and so to bed.
Brian got up in the night and he lifted up the toilet seat there was a bright green frog having a bath in the loo blue (he hadn`t even changed colour) he jumped straight out of the water onto the rim of the toilet seat (don`t know how high Brian jumped1) I tried to wait until the morning but to no avail. I put on my long green Kagool that doubles up nicely as a dressing gown and made my way to the melody block alone! can`t believe he wouldn`t come with me but no way he was budging b..........d! cracks are now appearing in the relationship. When the holiday started he couldn`t do enough for me. Anyway when I arrived at the toilet there was a little green frog waiting for me. we were both the same colour with me in my bright green kagool,luckily his friend wasn`t in the loo. I was looking over my shoulder all the time and the odd spider would run along the floor or come up the plug hole when I turned on the tap. Couldn`t wait to get out and when I got back into bed bri said "don`t worry bet you will soon be hanging over the boat on the Whitsunday Islands! goodnight love from us all x x